DISCO Help Centre Support Center

Catalogs Easy Access Overview for Supervisors

With Easy Access, Catalog owners can set their Catalog to allow any vetted music supervisor on DISCO to have login/download access, with no invite/approval process needed.

We built this feature after hearing from both supervisors and rights holders about how the limitations of the stream-only setting led to unnecessary waiting time between when supervisors requested access and were granted it. In general, we want to make DISCO Catalogs as easy as possible for supervisors to find great music on DISCO Catalogs and easily Save it to DISCO (or download the tracks) to pitch out or utilize as they need when on a tight timeline.

Browsing Easy Access Catalogs:

Supervisors can filter the Discover Music/browse Catalogs view to just those Catalogs they have login access to via the ‘Easy access’ toggle.

This will filter to all Catalogs they have access to, including easy access Catalogs as well as any Catalogs they were invited to or requested access to and had that access approved.

Security + Protecting privacy

To protect supervisor privacy, supervisors accessing Catalogs under easy access permissions will not show in the Catalogs CMS with their name/email. They’ll show as ‘Company name – Supervisor A’ or ‘Company Name – Supervisor B’ with no email:

If they were already invited to, or had requested access to, that Catalog they’ll show as normal with their name and email. And if they have access under Easy Access and are later invited directly to a Catalog via their email, they’ll show as normal in Catalog CMS Clients with their name and email. This means that previous activity within the Catalog will be associated back to their real identity as a client of this Catalog. 

Supervisors appear in stats in the same way as they do in Clients – anonymised if accessing under easy access.

No Catalogs will be easy access by default. New Catalogs will still be set to ‘Private’ by default and existing Catalogs will retain their current setting. Catalog owners will need to switch their Catalogs to ‘Easy access’ to enable this setting.

Opting out

Supervisors can opt out of being in the easy access group. In the top right ellipses menu in the supervisor ‘Discover Music’ screen, there’s an ‘Opt out of easy access’ option.